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medicated with angry people

So mark called me yesterday 3 times.The first time he called,he was all cool,the other times he called,he was pissed off at me because "he thought I was cool"or maybe because he was just drunk.I dont know and I really dont care.He knows that Josh is coming soon and maybe thats why he started calling me again.Then again,maybe he is pissed off because I told him we could still be friends and whatever.Anyways,whatever

the reason is,I dont care.I am sticking with leaving him alone.I am going to go on Joshs word and not trust him.Im not losing out on anything,only because a friend wouldnt have put me in a crack house....and I know this.Datus sent me and Ty some gifts.I thought that was so nice of him.I wish I could give him and Ana something,even something little,but I cant afford it right now,so maybe after the holidays I can buy them something.Not as a christmas gift but as a thank you gift.They are very nice people,and I am glad that they think about me.Kyle always told me that he was just like his dad,and I would like to get to know Datus better.I over medicated myself today.I forgot to take my zoloft yesterday so Ithought I had to take 2 today...I wasent soppouse to and I can see why.I am kindof loopy today.I am going out tonight with Amanda and Nic,I dont feel up to it really.I just really would like to spend the night at home,but I feel like I haveto go out since she wants to.Kyle has been on my mind constantly,today I cried at work for him.It always sneaks on me,just when I think I am going to be okay,it always gets me,it always is there.

9:31 p.m. - 2003-12-19


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