Photobucket I have said to much


I think I am complaing way to much

Couldnt sleep at all tonight.I dread the big black dot.The period.I woke up the other morning with cramps so bad I really thought that I was gonna cry.What the fuck is that?I never had bad periods,why do I haveto have them now?I found out some interesting FACTS about my boss,manager and some coworkers.I wouldnt belive it if I didnt hear it coming from my boss's mouth,but I did,and you know,I REALLY hate that place.And I will not be left alone with my boss anymore,kindof funny how everything fits into place now.How he always talked real nice to me in the morning and always wanted to go for that "one beer",its disgusting.I wanted to write a letter to the big guy but why would they belive me?Theres probably about 10 other people that know what I know,but god forbid,they say anything.They are the people who come into work on their day off just to play the game.I have a feeling that I am going to end up walking out soon.Which is something I dont want to do,but its bound to happen,and when I do,I am going to be so evil.I will use every tiny bit of info I have to get all new management.Today my boss actually tried to tell me I had to work tonight,nope....dont think so.I spend at lease 2 10 hour days there a week,with no break no nothing,thats about all I am doing for them.I refuse to work any shifts I am not scheaduled for from now that I know how disgusting half the place is.Anyways,on the brighter side,I am getting so excited about going on vacation.I wish I could afford to go to Brazil or something.Somewhere exotic.I want to see the rain forests,waterfalls,misty mountains,the different birds and bugs.I just want to experience the things I now I will never experience.It makes sense.Kyle came home the other night feeling guilty about something he did,he woke me up to tell me,which was cool.As much as I wish Mo would kick the shit out of her asshole,I understand why she dosent.She totally loves him.I have seen her cry,I have seen her angry and sad because of him,but somehow she is strong enough to see through alot of shit.I told her that I think she is being a little to strong.She knows he is sleeping with Miss vibrantred,I know it hurts her...who wouldnt hurt cuz of that?I think I kindof keep her sane though.Whenever she needed me,I always went straight to her house,I always call her to see how shes doing.I make her talk to me,and I am sure that it helps.I got asked alot of questions about her at work today,yesterday...whenever.Everyone asked me if she only has up to 5 years to live.Fucking rumors.Miss Vibrantred laughed at the subject,I told her that if I heard her laugh again I would kick her ass,and I meant it.I told her that its not "cool"to strive on other peoples pain,that I had nothing against her,but you dont laugh at someone who has fucking cancer.I have lost alot of relatives to that shit.And its not cool to see them with no hair,circle under their eyes and watching yourself wither away to nothing.I told Miss Vibrantred that cervical cancer runs in my family and if I ever found out I had it and she laughed,I would still kick her ass sick or not.It was funny in a way,Michelle thought she was scared of me,and she should be,you just dont live off others pain when they are not in sight.Well Michelle is pregnant,I guess shes kindof happy.She stopped smoking weed,that was smart,shes still smoking though.I cant see her raising a child,but who am I to judge?I have the weekend off again.I have no clue why I asked off,maybe I just picked a weekend....who knows.I had an okay Mothers day.My parents got on my nerves,all they do is belittle me,and Im sick of it.My dad was pissed cuz I wouldnt ride with them.I told him that since I am a smoker,I would take my own car,he told me that I could"refrine"from smoking for a while.I told him I couldnt and since I am a big girl,I think I will take my own car.Yeah,so he was pissed,he is so gonna give himself a heart attack.My mom tried to tell me Ty could have this and that,I told her that he already told me what he was gonna eat,she tried to get him to "share" with her.My kid ate all of his ribs,and half his fries,plus his salad,and like 4 peieces of bread....and he should share a 6oz filet with you?Whatever.I was told to shut my mouth about 20 times cuz I was speaking my mind.Like I was OKAY.I wouldve been happier sitting at home doing nothing.Anyways,I gotta go and get some donuts or something....until next time rock on

5:00 a.m. - 2003-05-13


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