Photobucket I have said to much


Sometimes I want to scream out loud

I have been in this real BLAH mood lately,I have no idea why either.I dont think that I am depressed or anything.I just dont feel like talking or anything.And I am getting all emotional..kindof.I just hate feeling this way,and I dont think its because I am on my period or anything.I just feel blah...I feel nothing..I feel everything.Does that make sense?I feel overwhelmed...I feel tired...I feel just aagghh!I dont have anything unormal on my mind.I just wish I could snap out of it.I am sad as well,and I dont know why.Sad about what?Do I even have anything to be sad about?I had to get out of my house for a while yesterday,I didnt want to go anywhere and then all of a sudden...I had to leave...I didnt want to be here anymore.It felt like I was gonna go nuts if I stayed home,my parents are annoying the shit out of me,the dogs were being all loud playing and I had to just go.I told Connie that I need a vacation,I want to leave for a while.I havent gone anywhere for the longest time and I just want to get away.I figured out that I am giving my dad my tax returns to pay him back for everything and then I can start looking for another place to live.I was hoping that I could move with my returns but I think it would be better if I paid my dad off first.So anyways,another person at work is getting married,lucky them.They are doing it for wrong reasons but its not my life so who cares.I just wonder why people are like that now a days.They get married so they dont haveto pay child support and shit,why cant people get married cuz they love each other?It makes me angry in a way,cuz I would love to get married but not cuz of the wrong reasons,and heres all these people that are getting married for all the wrong reasons...whatever happened to morals?It dosent make sense to me...the one at work isnt even excited,its like no big deal.They should realize how lucky they are.Well I think me and Ty are gonna go play some baseball,I haveto snap out of this sad blah feeling and I know that he will have that will make me smile!Until next time...Rock on

3:07p.m. - 2002-11-10


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