Photobucket I have said to much


Last kiss

Ha.I have 2 beers to drink.I am goinng to take a lorazapham and play it off...havent ate in 2 days and I could care less.Gave Josh this site.Who knows.He palys more of a part then he wishes.Plays more of a part then tony wishes.Cant help it.Tony told me the other day that he feels as if his heart dosent belong to me.That I dont have room for it.How can I tell him that he is right?Kyle has it.Regardelss of who I have been with or what I have felt....Kyle holds everything above everyone and it is bullshit.I cant get over that fucking guy,Cant get over the fact that MAYBE,,,MAYBE,that WHAT IF WHAT IF.Shit is fucked up.I cant help any of it.I love those I love and I hate who I hate.I cry...I cry...I c for him...I cry for me...I cry for my child....for my life and I cry for those who were.I cant help who I am,,,,who I was.I have memoreis and I hope that one day that these people who made some soort of mark in my life will know it.And when I am gone....I just want those to know that I did love them and that I did think about them.....more than they ever knew.

7:09 p.m. - 2011-01-31


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