Photobucket I have said to much


Once again

I hope you are not reading this once again.Because if you are?I will be moving out.We dont haveto break up...but pretty much thats what will happen.I will go back to my apartment,the one that is close to the bars.The one that made life easy.The one that i hated yet loved so much.
So if you are reading this again,maybe you shouldnt tell...but then again,I will find out.And because of the trust issue...I will haveto leave.And yea..I will miss you and I will love you and i will stalk you up until a certain point...and then?I just wont fucking care anymore because you chose not to care as well.And I will go on like nothing ever happened and i will go on as if life is wonderful and i will go on hating you for doing it to us...and i will go on to love you and what you have taught me.And I will go on and replace you with someone who means nothing,because you made it that way.So..continue to do what you do...if you are reading this,I will know...but just remember..TRUST IS EVERYTHING..and we sure wont have that anymore will we?

10:13 a.m. - 2008-12-30


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