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Play time

My boys dad has decided that when the boy wants to see him...he can call him.The last time we went to court,things changed.Days changed,transportation changed.He got himself a big shot lawyer,for what?I have no clue.I have never let him not see our kid.Never.But I have said no on occasion when his dad thought he could just pick him up whenever.I have in the past canceled plans and what not just to let his dad have him.After the last court deal,I decided to follow the court order,just like he does.Thats not wrong is it?Keep in mind that his dad,grandma and step mom all tell him that he should live up north with them and it would be so great and all that jazz.Last time there was no school his dad calls and says that he will be picking him up,I find the court order and call him back and said that he will not be picking him up early because after all...Im just following the court order.His dad dosent go through me,he has always gone through the boy,and our son calls him.Dickhead does not call our kid for who knows what reason.So our kid dosent call him and his dad gets pissed and says that he wont be playing these games and why didnt he call him.The way i see it?The only one who is playing games is his dad.He only sees the boy when he wants to see the boy and if he wants to see him?He better be able to or else Im playing a game.Our son is 14....and I do think that he is now starting to realize that his dad is a pile of shit.I know it bothers him.It bothers me.But to put the responsibility on a 14 year old that his dad has?Its just stupid.I dont know whats going to happen.I am sure I will be dragged into court and there will be a string of lies.But I am fighting this time.And I wont agree on anything like all the other times.He can continue to fuck with me...but he will stop fucking with my boy.

9:39 a.m. - 2008-11-16


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