Photobucket I have said to much


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I am thinking about going to visit my sister in may,as much as i dont like her,i dont think it would be that bad.I just want to get out of this town for a while.I went out last night and had a good time.Ended up going to kyles afterwards.I didnt stay out all that late,maybe til 1 or something.Kyles been in a foul mood lately,to many long days at work or something.My rent is totally paid up to may,which is so cool.I forgot that when i paid rent last month,i gave him 200 bucks extra,thinking i was behind,but i never was behind,I dont know why i thought i was,maybe cuz they screwed me up in october when i had only half the rent to pay cuz they were gone for like 3 weeks,I cant remember...all i know is i am cool for another month,and thats awesome.Maybe I should plan a trip or something.I went to breakfast the other day with amanda,and guess who our server was?Rocky.I didnt talk to him to much,he wants his job back,i told him i doubt it if he would get it back.Anyways,I haveto go find some clothes to wear,i guess we are going for a fish fry,and i am so hungry so hopefully kyle will get off at his normal time.Until next time.....rock on

2:52 p.m. - 2003-03-14


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