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Secret Desires

I think not having sex for a while has caught up with me.I also think that not liking my body and all has taken a different route and that would be the reason why I am a freak about sex right now.A couple nights ago the Vernage,the bartender and I all went down to the basement to smoke,bartender left,the Vernage and I were down in the basement finishing up the ganja...all of a sudden..I wanted it.And I wanted it there,he said no.We went back upstairs to finish our beers,and I still wanted it,he still said no,I got him to go in the stairwell with me though.Last night,I teased him until he was red in the face,we smoked,I went pee,and let him watch,had a little make out deal in the bathroom.We ended up back at his place where I laid naked on his couch and let the game begin.It was fun,it continues to be fun.We useto have sex outside on his car when we first met,we also useto do it in his car,in the bathroom...wherever we could.And all of a sudden,I got fat.And I couldnt do it anymore.Its amazing how different I feel when i work out and how shitty I feel when I dont.I am liking what I see when I look at myself in the mirror,not 100%,but at lease 50.My arms are getting thinner,I love how my shoulders look,and my ass is not so jiggly anymore.What a difference.I have also been more honest with the Vernage about what I like and dont like about what I see,and that helps as well.I even explained my boob situation with him this morning,telling him that when I lay on my side,if my nipples were to be moved...I would have great boobs.Im liking this "thing"I am doing,I like being honest with myself,and i love some good sex.Granted I didnt get off any of the times,but then again,I am picky,Vern on the other hand?He got off...thats cause I love some good sex,regardless of what type it is.

12:39 p.m. - 2006-01-21


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