Photobucket I have said to much


winner or loser

Something happened to me.I cant explain it.All I know is that I am tired of being unhappy and I am tired of trying to change.So from now on...instead of just trying...I am just going to do it.I gave away the last of my ganja yesterday,not like i will never smoke it ever again...its just not that big of a deal to me.I had time to go to the bar,but didnt go.It all of a sudden stinks in my "favorite"place.I dont know how long any of this will last,maybe its just a "thing"I am once again going through,but I am tired of being tired.It just dosent seem like a good way to live and it dosent seem like I want to live it anymore.I want to be alive more,feel more things,do more things,breath more things.I dont need people to make me happy,I dont need material things to make me happy.I just want to be normal like I useto be.If I need medication...then I guess I will take it,if I need to switch jobs,then i will do it.And if I haveto drop all of my friends...I will.I want to be happy.I have spent way to many days trying not to cry and I have spent way to many nights throwing fits.I dont want to do it anymore.I cant do it anymore.I want my energy back.

10:53 a.m. - 2006-06-27


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