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My pills have grown

I think my medication works now that I am on a much larger dose.And that makes me feel good.I am no longer getting stressed as much or freaking out for no reason.I am enjoying my life that i have now instead of holding onto what is no longer there.Overall I feel good.For the first time in such a long time...I feel......good.Im getting my ass in school.Enough said.I am going to do it this time because things are different.I no longer sit in a bar until all hours of the morning and I no longer feel the need to.I dont do the drugs that I useto and I dont busy myself with people who bring me down.Or up.Im finally living my life and I am okay with that.We are looking for a house to buy and hopefully once I get out of school,or once I get into school...things will be different money wise and we can start doing vacations and what not.Although I go on my spurts with drinking I sit at home and do that.I was wasted 3 days last week.One day was quite worth it because we went to see Kid Rock which fucking rocked.The other two?Wasent so worth it,I peed the bed one night.The boyfriend and I though?We have fun.More fun now then what we have had in the last couple of months and I do believe that its because of my medication.I want to stay this way.Not having my head all so messed up.It feels good.It feels good to live life and enjoy it,even if I haveto take pills that i need instead of the ones i dont.Sometimes though?Only sometimes..I miss drug induced nights,I have had alot of fun,but I think its time to grow up and start living.

8:33 a.m. - 2009-07-08


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