Photobucket I have said to much


Rest my skeltons.Rest.

Its funny how things hurt.I can not look at Xena's picture without feeling...this lump.So i dont look.And I dont think.I cant look at Kyles picture without a sick feeling.So i dont.And I dont think.Because when I do...I cant stop and I start thinking about all the things I shouldnt and then insomnia hits me,so I dont sleep.Its easier to forget.Its easier not to look and not to think.Its easier just to not remember.I nver wanted to let go.Letting go meant forgetting.And now?I just want to forget and not remember.Secret stashes remind me of trying to forget.Words written on paper,that only make sense to me...make me remember how hard i tried to forget.Its always going to be there.All of it.All the pain and all the hurt and all the tears that were dropped.All the anger,all the things i thought.I cant forget,yet I dont rememeber.Missing parts of me.Walls go up and they come down.Its not fair.Its just not fucking fair.

1:02 p.m. - 2009-05-18


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