Photobucket I have said to much


what the fuck ever

**Can you take me higher?**

I went out tonight to meet that chick I met from the internet and all,whatever...I mean its not that bad,just not me.Mark called me,was kindof upset about how we only talk once a week and he cant deal with that,I told him that I didnt understand what he meant,he said he felt the same.I dont know what to think of all thatt,thats just dumb to say something like that .

I went past his house tonight,I lost it a little.I just remembered coming home all fucked up and wanting to feel that feeling of creeping in his house.And I missed it.I miss it because I had something to come home too,I had something to look forward to,even though I was fucked was okay.He understood even though I never told him why...he understood.He always understood why I just needed a night out.He knew that that is how I calm myself.He understood and I loved him for it.I think someone is living in his house too,and that bothers me.I want him to live there,I want him to be the one that I come home too up all those stairs,I want him back,and I cant have him ,I dont know.I need him back.If I had him would be okay,if I had him back,I would be okay

5:05 a.m. - 2003-10-04


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