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a bananna

I have a typing test tomorrow morning.For school.And I haveto type 30 words per minute and although everyone I have talked to tells me that it is easy.I dont think that it will be.For me.And even though I just typed the last few things in under a minute...I am so scared that i wont be able to do it.I sent the fat fuckaw ay tonight so I can get some decent sleep ,even though I hardley ever sleep well .I figured tonight will be a good night for him to sshoove shit up his nose if thats what he wants to do...which I am sure that he will.Amanda says that she wants to start working out and she wants me to be her work out fun.More motivation.I am giving myself til Christmas to fit into my size 7 jeans,I was going to do Thanksgiving...but I will give myself some time so I wont feel like shit when it dosent happen.Although I "fit"into them...I dont "fit"into them.Its like squeezing a bananna out of its peel.Its disgusting.If I wear a regular shirt with can see the bananna trying to get out.So thers another goal of mine...most likely oly to be moved to New Years,and then some other date...but we will see.Thats all we can do see where things lead us.Good or bad,you just wait and see.

9:31 p.m. - 2006-11-01


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