Photobucket I have said to much


I think Im dumb

**This thing that is me**

I love it when people "havent seen me like this".Whatever "this"is.I had a bad
day.Not even just bad...but shitty.I am not useto working past 5 on Wedensdays.This is the night I go out,the night where I can let lose and go with whatever comes my way.I didnt get that tonight.It was dead at work.All day long,so of course i was fine thinking that I would get to get out somewhat early.It didnt happen.Instead they held on to me.And then..."POOF" all these people magically appeared.And we got busy.Normally I would not care.I would not care on a "normal"day.But today is not a normal day is it?Today is wasted Wedensday.Wonderful Wedensday.Wonderful wasted Wedensday.And I was stuck at work.Its all about the whole W.W.W.So of course I was irritated,I didnt get out til 9.What the hell is that?Im usually drunk if not wasted by then.I wouldnt even had been irritated by it if I was busy during the day.So I guess no one has ever seen me like "this"
before.Irritated and what not.No one has ever seen "me".After all ..why would I let something get to me?

10:33 p.m. - 2005-09-14


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