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I did it.I joined a gym.Although I dont use the word"gym"instead I say..."the situation"It sounds a hell of alot better.So my first day went well.I had a massive bodybuilder guy who kept calling me sweetheart show me the upper body strength deal.Some things i did better then others.One of the things i am soppouse to do...I still cant get down,but whatever.The bodybuilder tells me to do two sets of 15 each for everything but the abs...that one I haveto do two sets of 20...go figure.My
second day that I went didnt go as well as planned.I had no clue how to program any of the machines.I thought the stair climber would be easy.No.Its not.I think the one I was on was broke.So I moved on to some bike thingy.And as I sat there peddling I noticed that every single person that was using the same bike thing as I was...was above 60.And here I am,trying to act like I know something.I feel good though.I havent gone since Friday because I thought that it would be to busy and I dont like busy.So i deciced that I would go Monday thru Friday.Tomorrow the bodybuilder guy will be showing me the lower body strenghting stuff.But I will be on my own in the morning,I think I will steer clear of the stair climber and do something else.Enough about my little experience.Went to Verns on Friday night,he was quite wasted.I was stoned so maybe I wasent listening to him in the right sense,but I was telling him of my day.About the
"situation" and he told me that I shouldve went during my break from work as well as in the morning.Hmmm?Okay,fucker..are ya trying to tell me something?And then we were watching a superman cartoon and he kept telling me that some chick looked like me,I disagreed with him,a few minutes later he laughed to himself and said"superman
got himself a chubby"...WHAT?Is a chubby a new word for a hard on?Or is a chubby the cartoon chick that looked like me?Whatever.I let him sleep on his couch that night.I really didnt want to deal with him,not the way I was taking everything.I am happy that I did this whole"situation"deal.Dont get me wrong...I feel stupid.I probably even look stupid trying to do things I have no clue about,and you know what else?I showered there on Friday before work,and I will admit...I have a ways to go.Holy shit.There was a lady in the locker room...maybe about 50 maybe even 60,and I tried not to look but there she was butt naked.And she looked alot better then me.ALOT better.Im going to get there though.I am going to work hard at getting there,and then maybe I can be happy with the looks of myself.
On another note....

I got myself my new car.A 2001 Mazda tribute.And I love it.Similar to a SUV,blazer type deal.I cant park it very good yet but then again I have only had it for a day.So with the "situation"and the new car...I think I am on to something good.Maybe even fantastic.We shall see.

8:22 p.m. - 2005-11-13


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