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OMG 101 things bout me!


1.I am a 28 year old female

2.I have one child,he is a boy and he is 11

3.I useto want tons of kids

4.Until I spent 8 years with the babies daddy and was way to afraid to have more

5.I am a waitress.I enjoy my job alot.I am sure I could do other things and often think and even wish that i would.But I LIKE my job.

6.I have been in real love only once

7.I though I was in love with the babies daddy but it was just attachment.

8.The guy I love ended up going to sleep forever with me by his side.

9.I have alot of issues from that.

10.And I will always have them

11.Cause it was nice love

12.I tend to suck at realtionships now

13.But I am trying differently this time

14.Cause I want it to be something this time

15.Because he reminds me alot of my love

16.but I would rather not think like that

17.I dye my hair alot.

18.Usually red.Cause its sassy

19.I make up my own names for my hair when they start to wash out.Like tequilla sunrise

20.I have alot of guy friends

21.And two lesbian friends.

22.I have my tounge pierced.

23.I did that for my my true love

24.For his enjoyment.

25.I have 5 tats and need more.

26.I have 2 dogs.

27.One is an Amercian Eskimo that barks alot,that the babies daddy got me.The other one is a rott and lab mixed that I got when the true love left.

28.I love them both,they amuse me

29.My favorite colors are balck and red.

30.My uncle was murdered over drugs when I was 14

31.It hurt

32.Music is my life.

33.I love to jam.

34.I smoke pot.Not enough to be a typical pothead but enough to be called one

35.I do believe that crack kills.Not only can it take lives but it can change your forever

36.I have never smoked crack nor do I want to try it.

37.I am afraid to do coke but have tried it,and really dont like to be around it

38.I dont drink soda.Maybe with Barcardi but I try not to drink that either.

39.I take No dozes and jet alerts half the time

40.And I take Valerian Root at night.

41.And sometimes some other real sleeping pills

42.I am over all an exciting person,yet I cry out in sadness half the time

43.I am labeled as a crazy person

44.Everyone loves me

45.Everyone wishes they could be like me

46.I hate myself half the time

47.I wish I could afford my anti deppressants

48.Even though I know its all in my head.

49.I like to pop pills

50.Not all the time,but I like the feeling

51.I have tons of favorite songs

52.And I have tons of favorite movies

53.I am to cheap for cable but wish i had it

54.I dont watch very much t.v.

55.If I had cable,i would watch more t.v.

56.I am to cheap to get caller id

57.Yet i spend about 20 to 30 bucks every month on *69

58.I read alot of true crime books

59.I useto want to be a criminal psycholgist

60.I still kindof wanna be

61.I dont think I believe in God

62.I dont know what I believe in

63.I was raised catholic

64.I wasent very good at it.I was suspened once from C.C.D

65.I was pregnant when I was confirmed.

66.I didnt tell my teacher til after I was confirmed.

67.My mother was rasied my a single mother of 14

68.My grandma survived on what she had and what she knew until she died.

69.My grandmother was poor

70.My mother was raised poor

71.All of my relatives on my mothers side are druggies or alcholics,and most are poor.

72.My mothers side is huge.I have cousins thathave had kids that have had kids.

73.I enjoy my mothers side.

75.My dad was rasied with 2 parents and a brother and a sister.

76.They are to good for most.

77.I am the black sheep of that side.

78.It useto bother me,now I just laugh.

79.My mother is a closet smoker

80.My fateher knows,but she still so calls hides it.

81.Along with her cigarette butts,she hides beer cans

82.I hate my house

83.Its not really a home to me.

84.I have a big fetish with glitter

85.I try not to eat beef

86.My favorite season is fall

87.I love to watch the squirrels.

88.and I love the air.

89.I am afraid of dying most of the time

90.I dont want my child to wake up and find me

91.I have had one good bi sexual experience in my whole life

92.And actually I wish I could have more.It was fun

93.I dont tell people that i am bi sexual

94.Its something private.

95.But am willing to share with the right person


97.I could live off of water

98.And beer

99.I am not a pickey eater.I just try not to eat

100.I cant really say that I enjoy life

101.I cant really say that I enjoy death either

10:17 p.m. - 2005-07-26


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