Photobucket I have said to much


Older is better?

He made me happy the other night.We hung out with my friends.And it was like old times for me.Getting trashed,falling down,banging myself up.Begging to make out with Wendy.I told him that I would cheat on him and really I know I wouldnt.Hurtful words....I asked his permission if I could get it on with crazy Wendy and although I dont remember what his response was..I didnt do it so I am sure he didnt want me to.I get to drunk sometimes.To crazy and to slutty.I like lesbian action when I drink around Wendy and I like to just get fucked up.I still had a load of fun...with or without the lesbian action....I had alot of fun with him,and just having him meet my friends and having him realize that I am not easy to love.I have changed since I met him....but I sure do have it in me to go back to the old ways and sometimes?I just miss those old ways.

6:32 a.m. - 2008-07-28


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