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great being a drunk

I went out on Wedensday,seven hours at the bar,yes,seven.I was so trashed,but it felt so good to be that fucked up.I didnt eat anything for the whole day,and I was awful at drinking.All I wanted to do was drink more and more.Do I think I have a problem?Yea,I do.I think that when I do drink,I love it so much that I haveto get fucked up,to the point of stumbling home.To the point where I can just pass out once I do make it home.Although I laid on my bathroom floor for quite some time the other night,usually I crawl right into bed.I had fun though.There was no one that I HAD to hang out with,Amanda ended up showing up,but I was so drunk by that time,that I ignored her.It was a happy drunk,and I miss that.Usually I am all depressed and I cry,but wedensday was great,it was so great that I am doing it again tonight.

5:54 p.m. - 2004-05-14


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