Photobucket I have said to much


World of War

I have been going through something awful these days.Seems like I am an emotional wreck.I lost it at work twice in 2 days,I lost it at the bar because I couldnt zip up my sweatshirt,I lost it at home more then enough times.I have been working so much lately that its killing me.Its killing the person I was,its making me into this ....wreck.

And I just cant do it anymore,and because I HAVETO do it,Im making people notice how much of a wreck I am.I cant help it,I cant hold it in anymore.It gets harder to do it everyday and truthfully,I am tired of it.I am so tired of it that I am thinking about walking away from work and the people I do know and never looking back.I even am thinking of changing my number just so I wont haveto look back.I am thinking of doing this to everyone I know but Josh,and it sucks,it sucks so much because I never was like this,I was never this girl who couldn handel things,but now,I am,and its hard for me to accept that I cant fight against the world anymore.

7:07 p.m. - 2004-05-02


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