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Connie and John are totally done,for sure.Connie told me that his truck was by Wendys house,so I guess John has an apartment,so I think that they are over with for good,cuz John really cared about Wendy,hes been wanting her back .Its cool and all though cuz I like Wendy,I just dont know how things are gonna go with the friendship.Connie asked me the other night if John were to ask Kyle and I to go out with him and Wendy,would I go?I told her that I would,I mean why shouldnt I?Why cant I still be friends with them both?Connie has only me as a friend,and although I dont mind hanging out with her and stuff,John is so much more fun then she is.I would rather go out with John then Connie,but since she only has me...I cant do that.I cant let her down,and I cant have her thinking that she has no one.I know how that feels and it feels like shit.So Im 3 days late on "the period".I dont think nothing of it though,been late tons of times,my whole body is so fucked up.Like I can start my period 2 weeks early and then have another one like a week after I am done with the first one.It sucks.I know it has everything to do with my habits.I mean,Ill eat then I wont for days,I exericse when I dont eat,and dont when I do eat.I wonder if smoking weed has anything to do with it too.I should find something about "PERIOD FACTS" copyright2002.Ha ha ha.So because of this period stuff,I am so going to get healthy.I am going to start drinking milk,take some vitamins,work out more,and just eat healthier foods.I want to take care of myself,but yet it feels like alot of work,but its really not.You know,I am just tired of this whole weight thing,eating,dont eat,blah,blah,so why not just work the fuck out?DUH.I am so stupid.So anyways,I haveto go over to Connies today.I keep telling Ty that he can stay here,but he dosent want to.Ha ha,hes such a funny kid,he was just trying to tell me something about cutting a milk jug in half and I was like"oh are you gonna make me something for my birthday,dont tell me then"He just looked at me like"oh shit"Ha ha,and then he proceeded to tell me about what the whole milk jug thing was all about,and so he tells me that maybe thats what he is making me for my birthday,and then he was like"whens your birthday"ME:"sunday"TY:"This sunday?!"Me:"yup"TY:"oh"---It was just funny...I thought that I would share it with you.Kyle has helped me alot with him,you know he like tells me to do stuff about Tys rudeness,and I dont see it as being mean,maybe I just think that when Dan did it ,he was being a dick,you know?I mean,he was always mean when he tried to disipline Ty.Instead of sending him to his room,he would jack him up on the wall and TELL him "not to fucking piss him off"I mean,shit...thats mean.Anyways,I probably wont see Kyle tonight----I am going to Connies and will probaly stay for a while,so I might not see him.That makes me kindof sad.I didnt get to sleep with him the other night,so last night he came over,and it felt wonderful to hold him again.Like I havent seen him in 100 years.It felt great.And just waking up him was awesome.We had some great sex the other night too.It was kick ass,you just had to be there,well,not really.Anyways I better go and get over to Connies.Until next time....Rock On

3:09 p.m. - 2002-09-24


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